Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bahamas 2005

My senior year was the first time that I was able to travel out of the country to do some missions work. I traveled with my class to Andros Island, Bahamas. We had an amazing trip and while there we were able to give to the young children whom had nothing more than huts to live in. The people of Andros are the poorest of all the Bahamian Islands, and the average income is $900/year. We as Americans cannot even fathom the simplicity of their life. Yet these people and the children were beautiful and welcomed us lovingly. We also had an opportunity to work with one of the local churches and were a part of their services while we were there. We also stayed in cabins with dirt floors ourselves, and took clothes and shoes to give to the people in need there. It was such a life-changing time. This trip created a strong desire inside of me to pursue more work abroad and with those in need. I remember coming home and praying every night for the people in Andros for a year or more. Those there are still in my heart, and as God as opened more opportunities for me to minister in this area, I am greatful for this first experience that helped me to become aware of the need others have.