Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I can't even find words that give God the full glory for all that He is doing! Our Discipleship Training school has about 50 students, all of which are really here for God. It seems that everyone came with open hearts to each other and before God. It was amazing, one of the first nights to hear how God brought everyone to YWAM MONTANA. It truly testifies to the goodness of God. Our school theme is ABIDE. We are learning to Seek God first and has He fills us up, then to do for the kingdom. No more of this backwards Christian stuff where we just serve because we have all these "SHOULDS" in our life. So the first week was full of intense times of worship, messages on intercession, hearing God, seeking God, times of openness and sharing. We also really had a great time learning about YWAM history and Montana history. We even had a Montana night, square dance, costumes and all to celebrate our new home. I love all of the students and staff here, and I know that God brought us all together for a reason! He is so amazing!!

This week our speaker is Gordy McDonald. He is teaching on the character and nature of God. I am falling in love all over again. I like seriously am in awe of His love and grace for me! God is so giving in every aspect of my life. From provision, to relationships, to peace, to supernatural joy, to the beauty of nature found here, to confirming each desire in my heart: God continually keeps filling me with awe at the way that He works all things together for the good of those who serve Him! He is miraculous!

So this week we have been placed in small groups to get to know each other better and have a staff member that we can really connect with and go to for anything. I am with Michele, who is amazing, and already has been there for me really praying me through. We also have started working in our tracks. I am in the music track and will be required to lead worship on base, on outreaches locally and abroad, write at least two songs, and work with one of the bands to record music. It will definitely be a challenge, but it is one that I really am looking forward to!!!

Also, yesterday we found out our teams! This is truly a testimony to what God does. We were presented with the 5 outreaches at the end of last week. The options are Turkey, Thailand, Guatemala, Brazil, and Haiti. As each country was revealed I saw ways that I would "fit" in each outreach. In some, there was a worship focus or a need for Spanish speakers (etc). But when Brazil came up on the screen, I almost started crying. We had an hour to go and pray over the trips and then write our choices down so that they could pray and construct teams that would work well together. So, I prayed and I couldn't get Brazil out of my head. God probably said it at least 5 times to me. But being me - I thought it might be my head. So, I asked God to reveal a picture of me ministering abroad in whatever country he had on His heart for me. So, I began meditating on God's goodness and in my spirit God brought this dream to my remembrance. He reminded me of a dream I had a month ago. This dream took place in an area exactly like where we will be ministering along the Amazon River. God confirmed it in so many ways that I am truly in awe of God. So there will be 15 of us traveling to Brazil in early December. We will arrive at a YWAM base and from there we will take a train and boat trip to the tribal villages along the Amazon River. We will be staying in hammocks along the river and sharing the message of God's love with the people. We will also help the communities there with basic development processes (i.e. filtered water). Then after spending a month along the Amazon our team will travel to Rio De Janeiro. There we will be doing drama, dance, music, and street ministry especially for teens and children. We are excited to share the message of Christ's love with these people and see their lives impacted. I am so, very excited for all that God has in store for us! I am believing to see God heal, deliver, save, and restore many in Brazil.

Please pray for our team as we prepare to travel and continue raising money. God is so so good! I know that this is the country He has in his heart for me to travel to this year. Thank God for His hand in my life.

Attached are some pictures of my roomates, outreach leader, Montana night (dressed up), and the base! Keep in touch!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Making friends in Montana...or making family...

I have been here a day and a half now, and already God is moving. I have been blessed with such amazing roomates! We also have a great group of students and staff here, and it's so exciting. God is amazing (as He always is) and has already been speaking to me and I can't wait to see what else He does.

This weekend has really been a time to settle in and get to know people! Of course we played mafia last night in my room with a bunch of friends. We also learned how to play knucklebones (which is similar to jacks) and I was horrible at!!! We have enjoyed our walks and some times of worship and lots of fun adventure already! This morning a group of us walked to church together and joined a great congregation for their service. Then a bunch of us walked down to the lake, and yes...we did it...we did the unthinkable (mind you it has been chilly here)....we went swimming!! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY FREEZING! I don't get cold people, but this was freezing! I am talking skin-numbing, tingling, shivering, COLD! But it was so so very fun!! There were about 7 of us who jumped in and about...6 who watched! Such a fun thing to do! Then it was dinner time so we warmed up and enjoyed our evening. It's so great to meet so many people from around the U.S. and the world already! I can't wait to continue this journey!!! I am tired though and school starts early tomorrow -
so goodnight world!!

Oh wait ...I have seen for real cowboys...like boots, belts, hats, and all...and I think we are having like a hoe down this week or something! WELCOME TO MONTANA WORLD!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


God is so so good! He blessed me last night at The Living Room. It was so encouraging to have everyone join in prayer for my time with YWAM, and to have people bless me financially and with their own testimonies. I am so excited for all that God has! He is so very good and faithful!!

3 DAYS!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today I started weighing all my clothes!!! HAHAHAAA!!!
That probably sounds crazy, but I am putting them in huge laundry bags. Then I get on the scale and weigh myself...lol...not going there :D Then I weigh myself with the luggage to find the difference. I gotta make sure I can take all that I need to Montana. I leave Saturday morning around 7 and I should get to the airport in Montana around 12:30. I'll make great time thanks to the time-change and a short layover. I have been getting excited, so I can't fall asleep. I am just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for everything that God has! I can't wait to meet everyone on base and see what God is going to do!



Paris, France 2007

After our time in Brooklyn, we were joined by about 9 people from New York and about 10 people from Ohio. This group of people made up the team traveling to Paris, France. There we worked with four different churches, ministered in the streets through drama, music, and the message of the Gospel.

After what seemed like a lifetime, we arrived in beautiful Paris, France. There we worked with a few churches in the outskirts of the city to minister in their services and in the streets of Paris. We were able to see God touch the lives of so many, but not without being met with great opposition. France consists of a largely Atheist-declaring group of people. There is also a very large Muslim community, that did not really want to see us there spreading God's Word. There were a few instances when we had to relocate our team for street ministry for safety reasons. We did, however get to share about God's love with a few Muslim men, and saw the children of Muslim families saved and set free. I remember one time of ministry in particular. We were at a strip of shops were there were probably about 20 kids running around. We had expected to meet adults or teens, and had to improv. a drama and message geared to younger children. My friend Jessica and I worked together to share an engaging story of Jonah, in which she translated to them for me. Meanwhile, about 5 of our team members acted out the entire story on the fly. It was hilarious to see grown men acting like whales, and being "swallowed up." It not only amused us, but the children were captivated. When we explained that God has a plan for their lives just like Jonah, and Jesus is the way to fulfill that they were ecstatic. We also saw a few adults watching as well. God is so good, we were able to share our story just in time before rushing to another location as a few men became angry with the work we were doing.

Our team also had the opportunity to work with various churches in France and the youth at these churches. Because our team was large we were able to split up between these churches and minister on the same evenings. It was such an amazing experience to be a part of the worship team and learn to worship in French. Each night we had great moves of the spirit during worship and people were set free from oppression. It seemed that depression and hopelessness plagued a lot of the people in these churches, and it was so amazing to see God move upon them in love, whether through worship, prayer, or the word. I remember one church in particular that was really impacted. The first time we ministered there the people seemed very reserved, like they hadn't experienced the life of God. It wasn't long before the sin, hurt, resentment, and bondage that withheld this congregation was broken in times of worship and ministry. God really created unity between the leadership of the church there and our team, and this was one of the main keys to seeing God move.

So often today, we find between denominations, pastors and church leaders, and even within the members of our own congregations the enemy works at creating division and succeeds. Sometimes we destroy ourselves before the enemy even has to try. I believe that God wants us to be like the church in Acts following the day of Pentecost. On that day - they were all gathered together, in one place, in one accord and began to worship God. Then God came by His Holy Spirit and radically changed the people. Also thousands were added to the church that day as they heard the word of God and saw Him move in power. God has called us to walk in this and so much more. Whether we were ministering in worship, preaching through a megaphone in the streets, or sharing a drama with young children- it was when we put aside ourselves and walked in unity with God and one another that we saw lives changed.

Let's continue to move forward loving God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and loving one another as ourselves. This love will set the captives free, because love is the TRUE message of salvation.


The summer of 2007, I joined Vision Ministries International for Timothy Project. The Timothy Project is a 6-week mission-focused training school and time of ministry. Our team first went to Brooklyn, NY that July. We worked with Resurrection Church in Sunset Park to reach those in the streets of New York, and hosted a youth conference that weekend. We had about 15 high-school students who joined us that week. Each morning we would gather together for prayer and ministry practice. We worked to teach the young people at Resurrection drama and dance. Then Each afternoon we would walk downtown and take a street corner. There our band would play, the dance team would minister, and we would share drama with those on the streets. It was so amazing to see the youth of the church growing as they saw the lives of others reached. We also had amazing times of street ministry. We saw people delivered and set free, saved by the power of God, and loving brought into God's healing hands. We would also take time split into teams ministering throughout Brooklyn sharing our testimonies and ministering prophetically to those in need. It was absolutely amazing! We were also able to minister to many in the Spanish community through our interpreters. Then each night we held a service at Resurrection Church.

In these services, we saw God move mightily. Not only were people coming from all around Brooklyn, but the young people of Resurrection Church were truly being changed. Many of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. We saw girls set free from years of self-hatred and eating disorders. We saw people saved and recommit their lives after years of sexual, drug, and alchohol addiction. It was absolutely amazing to see God minister. As a part of the praise and worship team, I was able to grow as well. I learned that there is definitely a difference between the times when we would try to force a move of God and the times we were worshipping in spirit and in truth. In those moments He moved through us by prophetic song and freed the atmosphere in the room. Each night the times of worship, the strong messages shared, and times of ministry made an impact on the youth of the church, those who had come in from the street, and those from our team. God also brought unity between our team and the church members. Relationships were established with people who I am still blessed to be in contact with. God is so so good!!!