Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hello, dear Friends and Family,
I write to you all, praying that you are all doing well! I cannot even begin to account for all of the amazing things that God is doing in me, in those around me, and the areas He is helping me to grow in. I want to start by thanking you for all of your prayer and financial support! I found out this week that my entire lecture phase has been paid now. Praise God! He deserves so much glory! He is teaching me about His love and grace (which was the lecture topic this week), each and every day. Last week a girl on base was led to give me a gorgeous pair of her shoes. They were new and my size!!!! God is amazing!
I also wanted to write to inform you of the amazing things that God is doing during our lecture phase here. Our activities include: daily worship and intercession, lecture classes each day, small group activities, outreach preparation, and track activities. Tracks are the various interest focus areas that we as students choose to learn how to use our abilities to glorify God and further the Kingdom. I am a part of the music track and God is really challenging me. I have already helped with student-led worship and will be working to put an entire worship team and set together. I also have to write two songs and I have begun recording with people. Our music track will be doing two local outreaches here in Montana, ministering through music. The entire group of students I am with will be going to Washington State in November for a week-long outreach! Praise God that we all get to minister here and abroad!
Then in December I will be joining the outreach team going to Brazil. The way that God put Brazil in my heart is amazing, and the things that our trip will be focused on, line up with the vision that God had placed in my heart years ago! Here is the story of God’s handiwork in planning my outreach! . About a month ago I had a dream that I was with a YWAM team of people wading through this huge dirty river. The dream had more details and was very vivid, and I thought it unlikely to happen even with YWAM. When the outreach choices were presented to us and we were sent to go pray, I kept hearing God say Brazil over and over. Of course I had some doubt so I asked God to give me an image of me in the country He wanted me to go. So, this dream immediately came up into my mind. The crazy thing is that for a month our team will be living along the Amazon River, working with the tribes who live there. We are going to share the love of God with them and the message of Christ, while helping them with basic community development needs. Please pray for our team, as we will be boating down the river and staying in hammocks in the jungle. I know that God is sending me there and I can’t wait to see Him transform the lives of these tribal people, who may have never been reached! God is so good! We are also spending a month in Rio de Janeiro. There we will be working in the slums with teens in the streets and women who are bound in prostitution. One of the girls and I really have a vision for great ways to reach these women, as working with women from this type of a background has been something in our hearts for years now!
Now, to share the way that God is fulfilling my desires. Forever in my heart, I have longed to go and minister in South America, and now I have the opportunity to do so! Not only that, but at the same time I will be ministering through worship and music, I will have the opportunity to work with women who have been used and abused, work with the teenagers of Brazil, and I will even be cutting hair. I have always wanted to give women who come out of horrific backgrounds the message of God’s love and their beauty through words and giving to them. I am so very excited for our time in the city as well as with the tribal people of Brazil.
I am so amazed with God, His love, and His many blessings. He has been pouring out his blessing on me, from fulfilled desires, to shoes, to financial blessing, to impacting messages He continually pours out His love on me! I am so grateful for all that He has done and all that He is doing! I am surrounded by such outstanding staff, who are so open and pour out their time and love for us! I am also blessed with an amazing group of fellow students. Everyone is so compassionate and full of energy! I am so excited to be a part of this school, and what God is doing!
Thank you also for being a part! Through your constant prayers, financial support and encouragement, I have been truly blessed and I am able to go and share the love of God with so many people. This is truly what God has called me to for this time and I am so greatful that it is being made possible!
Please continue to pray and support as I still have $2700 due this next month. By October 18th, $1500 is due so that they can purchase our plane tickets and begin to make final arrangements with our contacts abroad. If you would like to support me financially the information is listed below, and please continue to support me in prayer. I love you all so much and I am so thankful for the blessing that you are in my life! You are truly amazing! I am praying for all of you as well (actually we all pray for you corporately at least once a week).
For continual updates and pictures: Follow me on Facebook or my blog (
For outreach support: Make checks payable to YWAM Montana, with DTS: Leah Crout in the memo. For Living Expenses: Make checks payable to Leah Crout.
Please mail any letters or support to this address: YWAM Montana DTS: Leah Crout 501 Blacktail Road Lakeside, MT 59922.
Also, please feel free to call, email or skype any time! Cell: (614) 301-1440 Email: Skype: leahcrout
Thank you so much for all of your love and support! I miss you all!