Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I can't even find words that give God the full glory for all that He is doing! Our Discipleship Training school has about 50 students, all of which are really here for God. It seems that everyone came with open hearts to each other and before God. It was amazing, one of the first nights to hear how God brought everyone to YWAM MONTANA. It truly testifies to the goodness of God. Our school theme is ABIDE. We are learning to Seek God first and has He fills us up, then to do for the kingdom. No more of this backwards Christian stuff where we just serve because we have all these "SHOULDS" in our life. So the first week was full of intense times of worship, messages on intercession, hearing God, seeking God, times of openness and sharing. We also really had a great time learning about YWAM history and Montana history. We even had a Montana night, square dance, costumes and all to celebrate our new home. I love all of the students and staff here, and I know that God brought us all together for a reason! He is so amazing!!

This week our speaker is Gordy McDonald. He is teaching on the character and nature of God. I am falling in love all over again. I like seriously am in awe of His love and grace for me! God is so giving in every aspect of my life. From provision, to relationships, to peace, to supernatural joy, to the beauty of nature found here, to confirming each desire in my heart: God continually keeps filling me with awe at the way that He works all things together for the good of those who serve Him! He is miraculous!

So this week we have been placed in small groups to get to know each other better and have a staff member that we can really connect with and go to for anything. I am with Michele, who is amazing, and already has been there for me really praying me through. We also have started working in our tracks. I am in the music track and will be required to lead worship on base, on outreaches locally and abroad, write at least two songs, and work with one of the bands to record music. It will definitely be a challenge, but it is one that I really am looking forward to!!!

Also, yesterday we found out our teams! This is truly a testimony to what God does. We were presented with the 5 outreaches at the end of last week. The options are Turkey, Thailand, Guatemala, Brazil, and Haiti. As each country was revealed I saw ways that I would "fit" in each outreach. In some, there was a worship focus or a need for Spanish speakers (etc). But when Brazil came up on the screen, I almost started crying. We had an hour to go and pray over the trips and then write our choices down so that they could pray and construct teams that would work well together. So, I prayed and I couldn't get Brazil out of my head. God probably said it at least 5 times to me. But being me - I thought it might be my head. So, I asked God to reveal a picture of me ministering abroad in whatever country he had on His heart for me. So, I began meditating on God's goodness and in my spirit God brought this dream to my remembrance. He reminded me of a dream I had a month ago. This dream took place in an area exactly like where we will be ministering along the Amazon River. God confirmed it in so many ways that I am truly in awe of God. So there will be 15 of us traveling to Brazil in early December. We will arrive at a YWAM base and from there we will take a train and boat trip to the tribal villages along the Amazon River. We will be staying in hammocks along the river and sharing the message of God's love with the people. We will also help the communities there with basic development processes (i.e. filtered water). Then after spending a month along the Amazon our team will travel to Rio De Janeiro. There we will be doing drama, dance, music, and street ministry especially for teens and children. We are excited to share the message of Christ's love with these people and see their lives impacted. I am so, very excited for all that God has in store for us! I am believing to see God heal, deliver, save, and restore many in Brazil.

Please pray for our team as we prepare to travel and continue raising money. God is so so good! I know that this is the country He has in his heart for me to travel to this year. Thank God for His hand in my life.

Attached are some pictures of my roomates, outreach leader, Montana night (dressed up), and the base! Keep in touch!!!

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