Saturday, November 13, 2010


So the music track has been keeping quite busy. A few weeks ago we did a worship service for a local youth group and it was amazing! We had so much fun getting to know the teens there and sharing music with them. The last week has been focused on our song-writing, and this week we shared the music we had been working on with the class and voted on 3 songs to be recorded before we leave on outreach. Jordan, a friend of mine, and I wrote a song called Healing Rain with a friend of mine and we presented it. Our song was chosen among the three to be recorded, along with two amazing songs by my friends Seth and Jessica. So Monday afternoon we will be working on the scratch tracks. Then all week will be spent working with the bands we have set up for each song to get them recorded. It is a lot of work, but it is such an honor and really rewarding. I can't wait to hear the finished product and share it with everyone!

Also, this week we have cafe night at the end of the week! So, on Friday night the art track will display their work all throughout our meeting hall. We will have food and couches set up and everyone on base will come to enjoy the night. Then the dance and music track students will all perform various pieces. We are really given full creative rights to this night, we can share music we have written or cover songs and include any musicians to help us. I am not sure which song I am going to do yet, I have it narrowed down to three choices. So, I will have a lot of work to do this week, but I am surrounded by amazing musicians and we always have a lot of fun.

Another amazing opportunity that we have here on base is to lead worship. I will be doing that one morning this week as well, which is always really fun. It's great because we get to enjoy worship with all different students and staff working together in bands. It really brings fresh variety and a sense of community to our worship times.

Oh and fun fact - the band I am in is called Hee-su and the extras (named after our Korean drummer)!!

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